It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over

I always imagined the completion of our goal would come with some sort of bell that rang and confetti streaming through the air, informing everyone including ourselves that we achieved our goal of building a million dollar business in 90 days. That didn’t happen, of course. But we did meet, and actually exceeded our goal, 8 days ahead of schedule. It still doesn’t feel real, probably because we still have proposals in process and we’re waist deep in work at any given moment. While we met our goal, it’s not in me to quit until the last minute on day 90. Maybe then I’ll celebrate. In the words of Yogi Berra, “it ain’t over til it’s over!”

Perhaps it stems from a life ruled by Murphy’s Law and broken promises, but I don’t count chickens before they hatch. I anticipate every possible scenario that could lead to a bum deal. You haven’t read about any of our new clients in this blog because of this. My gratitude for each client is immense but my fear of accidentally pissing one of them off through speaking off the cuff is even greater. For that reason, mums the word. I’m sure there will come a point in our relationship with each individual client where we’ve earned the level of trust and respect necessary to begin a public expression of support. Until then, I remain exuberantly yet confidentially grateful for each of them.

Kathy and I will meet for dinner or champagne this weekend to officially conclude our journey and undoubtedly talk about the next phase of this business: fulfillment. The funny thing about building a business this way is that it’s like reverse engineering. Most businesses build the operations and then build the clientele. We’ve planned the operations, but it won’t be tested and measured until after we get started fulfilling our contracts. I’m confident we will be fine in this phase because we have an outstanding work ethic, a fantastic business coach, and all the right people in the right places. There isn’t anything we’re about to embark on that we haven’t done before with other businesses, but this time it’s our business- our joint venture- and that makes it feel even more special and exciting.

I’m looking forward to being on the other side of this 90 day challenge. I’m ready for this phase to be done and I’m especially ready to do great things with clients who are truly going to change the world. I’m looking forward to seeing what our final valuation is at the end of the 90 days. While it was never really about the numbers, I have to say it’s pretty cool that we’ve been able to make that happen as well. I proved something to myself and I’m sure Kathy feels the same way. I’m excited to see where this business is in another 90 days and the growth that happens with each of us personally and professionally.

Do you have any questions for Kathy or myself about the last 3 months? I’d love for one of my next blog posts to be a Q&A. Feel free to comment or send an email with subject: 90 days question to